Recent Publications:
- Gonda, N., & Bori, P. J. 2023. Rural politics in undemocratic times: Exploring the emancipatory potential of small rural initiatives in authoritarian Hungary. Geoforum, 143, 103766.
- Bori, P.J., & Gonda, N. 2022. Shattering the Chains of Rural Repression. In Rural Europe Takes Action: No More Business As Usual. Forum Synergies and Arc2020. pp.142-147.
- Bori, P. J., & Gonda, N. 2022. Contradictory populist ecologies: Pro-peasant propaganda and land grabbing in rural Hungary. Political Geography, 95, 102583.
- Bori, P.J. 2022. Cultivating Authoritarianism: Orbán's Political Education Project. Green European Journal
Selected publications:
Csunderlik, Péter. 2023. Egy különleges közép-európai történész. Hanák Péter pályaképe. [An Exceptional Historian from Central Europe. The Trajectory of Péter Hanák (1921–1997)]. Budapest: Napvilág Kiadó.
Csunderlik, Péter. 2022. A Galilei Kör története. Szabadgondolkodók a századelő Magyarországon (1900–1919) [The History of the Galileo Circle. Freethinkers in Hungary at the Turn of the Century (1900–1919)]. Budapest: Napvilág Kiadó.
Csunderlik, Péter. 2020. Csupa hajdani eszelős. Írások az 1900–1945 Magyarországról és emlékezetéről (All Those Erstwhile Lunatics. Writings About Hungary between 1900–1945 and its Remembrance). Budapest: Napvilág Kiadó.
Csunderlik, Péter. 2019. A „vörös farsangtól” a „vörös tatárjárásig”. A Tanácsköztársaság a korai Horthy-korszak pamflet- és visszaemlékezés-irodalmában. (From the ‘Red Carnival’ to the ‘Red Invasion’. Depiction of the Hungarian Soviet Republic in the Pamphlet and Memoir Literature of the early Horthy Era). Budapest: Napvilág Kiadó.
Csunderlik, Péter. 2017. Radikálisok, szabadgondolkodók, ateisták. A Galilei Kör (1908–1919) története. (Radicals, Freethinkers, Atheists – The History of the Galileo Circle [1908–1919]). Budapest: Napvilág Kiadó.
Recent publications:
- Mölder, M., Enyedi, Z., & Casal Bértoa, F. (2023). Party system closure and the liberal dimension of democracy: A double-edged sword. Italian Political Science Review / Rivista Italiana Di Scienza Politica, 53(1), 104-120.
- Enyedi, Z., & Bértoa, F. C. (2022). The future is not what it used to be: the failure of bipolarisation. Irish Political Studies, 37(2), 244-265.
- Bértoa, F. C., & Enyedi, Z. (2021). Party system closure: Party alliances, government alternatives, and democracy in Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Enyedi, Z. (2020). Right-wing authoritarian innovations in Central and Eastern Europe. East European Politics, 36(3), 363-377.
- Enyedi, Z., & Mölder, M. (2018). Populisms in Europe: Leftist, rightist, centrist and paternalist–nationalist challengers. In Trumping the Mainstream (pp. 54-94). London: Routledge.
Recent publications:
- Chryssogelos, A., Jenne, E. K., LaRoche, C. D., Verbeek, B., Zaslove, A., Destradi, S., Cadier, D., Coticchia, F., Donelli, F., & Lequesne, C. (2023). New Directions in the Study of Populism in International Relations. International Studies Review.
- Jenne, E., Bozoki, A., & Visnovitz P. (2022). Antisemitic Tropes, Fifth Columnism and Soros-Bashing: The Curious Case of Central European University, In: Mylonas, H. & Radnitz, S. Enemies Within: The Global Politics of Fifth Columns, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Jenne, E. (2022). Varieties of Nationalism in the Age of Covid-19, Nationalities Papers, 50(1): 26-44.
- Kopchick, C., Cunningham, K. G., Jenne, E. K., & Saideman, S. (2022). Emerging diasporas: Exploring mobilization outside the homeland. Journal of Peace Research, 59(2), 107-121.
- Jenne, E. (2021). Populism, nationalism and revisionist foreign policy, International Affairs, 97(2): 323-343.
- Visnovitz, P. & Jenne, E. (2021). Populist argumentation in foreign policy: the case of Hungary under Viktor Orbán, 2010–2020. Comparative European Politics, 19, 683–702.
- Jenne, E. K., Hawkins, K. A., & Silva, B. C. (2021). Mapping populism and nationalism in leader rhetoric across North America and Europe. Studies in Comparative International Development, 56(2), 170-196.
- Bochsler, D., Green, E., Jenne, E., Mylonas, H., & Wimmer, A. (2021). Exchange on the quantitative measurement of ethnic and national identity. Nations and Nationalism, 27(1), 22-40.
- Popovic, M., Jenne, E. K., & Medzihorsky, J. (2020). Charm offensive or offensive charm? An analysis of Russian and Chinese cultural institutes abroad. Europe-Asia Studies, 72(9), 1445-1467.
- Hawkins, K. A., Aguilar, R., Silva, B. C., Jenne, E. K., Kocijan, B., & Kaltwasser, C. R. (2019). Measuring populist discourse: The global populism database. In EPSA Annual Conference in Belfast, UK, 20-22.
- Hawkins, K. A., Aguilar, R., Castanho Silva, B., Jenne, E. K., Kocijan, B., & Rovira Kaltwasser, C. (2019). Global populism database, v1. Harvard Dataverse, 1.
- Jenne, E., & Huszka, B. (2019). The Importance of Being Balanced: Lessons from Negotiated Settlements to Self-Determination Movements in Bosnia, Macedonia and Kosovo. In: Alterman, J.B. & Todman, W. Independence Movements and Their Aftermath: Self-Determination and the Struggle for Success. Lanhan, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
- Jenne, E. (2018). Is Nationalism or Ethnopopulism on the Rise Today? Ethnopolitics, 17(5), 546-552.
- Jenne, E. (2015). Nested Security: Lessons in Conflict Management from the League of Nations and the European Union. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Recent publication:
- Wilson, M. C., Medzihorsky, J., Maerz, S. F., Lindenfors, P., Edgell, A. B., Boese, V. A., & Lindberg, S. I. (2023). Episodes of liberalization in autocracies: a new approach to quantitatively studying democratization. Political Science Research and Methods, 11(3), 501-520.
- Edgell, A. B., Lachapelle, J., Lührmann, A., & Maerz, S. F. (2021). Pandemic backsliding: Violations of democratic standards during Covid-19. Social Science & Medicine, 285, 114244.
- Boese, V. A., Edgell, A. B., Hellmeier, S., Maerz, S. F., & Lindberg, S. I. (2021). How democracies prevail: democratic resilience as a two-stage process. Democratization, 28(5), 885-907.
- Maerz, S.F., Lührmann, A., Hellmeier, S., Grahn, S. & Lindberg, S. I. (2020). State of the world 2019: Autocratization surges – resistance grows, Democratization, 27(6), 909-927.
- Maerz, S. F. (2019). Simulating pluralism: the language of democracy in hegemonic authoritarianism. Political Research Exchange, 1(1), 1-23.
Recent publications:
- Schafer, D. (2023). Sycophants in 280 characters: Using Twitter to measure the authoritarian sentiment of presidential advisors in Turkey. Party Politics.
- Schafer, D. (2022). The Authoritarian Appeal in Backsliding Democracies. Democracy Paradox.
- Schafer, D. (2021). A popular mandate for strongmen: what public opinion data reveals about support for executive aggrandizement in Turkey, 1996-2018. South European Society and Politics, 26(3),355-382.
Recent publication:
- Schneider, Carsten Q. (Forthcoming). Set-Theoretic Multi-Method Research: A Guide to Combining QCA and Case Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Oana, I. E., Schneider, C. Q., & Thomann, E. (2021). Qualitative comparative analysis using R: A beginner's guide. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.
- Maerz, S. F., & Schneider, C. Q. (2020). Comparing public communication in democracies and autocracies: automated text analyses of speeches by heads of government. Quality & Quantity, 54(2), 517-545.
- Schneider, C. Q. (2019). Two-step QCA revisited: the necessity of context conditions. Quality & Quantity, 53, 1109-1126.
- Rohlfing, I., & Schneider, C. Q. (2018). A unifying framework for causal analysis in set-theoretic multimethod research. Sociological Methods & Research, 47(1), 37-63.
Charles University
Recent publications:
- Guasti, P. & Bílek, J. (2022). The Demand Side of Vaccine Politics and Pandemic Illiberalism. East European Politics, 38(4), 594–616.
- Bílek, J., Lysek, J., & Zbíral, R. (2021). Věrni svému jménu? Jak politické strany mezery působí v legislativním procesu. Sociologicky Casopis, 57(4), 433-454.
Recent publications:
- Cirhan, T. (2023). Party Organization and Electoral Success of New Anti-establishment Parties. Milton Park: Routledge.
- Cirhan, T. & Kopecký, P. (2023). Fragmentation and anti-establishment politics: Czech party system in the 2020s, in: Hofmeister, W. & Poguntke, T. (eds.) Political Parties and the Crisis of Democracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Cirhan, T. & Stauber, J. (2019). Okamura as phoenix of Czech far-right: Analysis of the role of party leader personality in the rebirth of failed party. Conference paper prepared for the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association.
- Cirhan, T. & Kopecký, P. (2019). From Ideology to interest driven politics: Václav Klaus, Andrej Babiš and two eras of party leadership in the Czech Republic, in: Ghergina, S. (ed.) Party Leaders in Eastern Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Cirhan, T. (2018). Political-Firm or Political Party? An Analysis of ANO’s Party Elites’ Homogeneity, in: Wakounig, M. & Kuhnel, F. (eds.) East Central Europe at a Glance: People -Cultures – Developments. Vienna: LIT VERLAG.
Recent publications:
- Guasti, P. & Bustikova, L. (2023). Varieties of Illiberal Backlash in Central Europe. Problems of Post-Communism, 70(2), 130–142.
- Karolewski, I. P., Libin, X., Patapan, H., Halmai, G., Kutay, A., Guasti, P., & Scheuerman, W. E. (2023). Carl Schmitt and Democratic Backsliding. Contemporary Political Theory. 1-32.
- Guasti, P & Bustikova, L. (2022). Pandemic power grab, East European Politics, (38)4, 529-550.
- Guasti, P. & Bílek, J. (2022). The Demand Side of Vaccine Politics and Pandemic Illiberalism. East European Politics, 38(4), 594–616.
- Perottino, M. & Guasti, P. (2022) Technocratic Populism À La Française? The Roots and Mechanisms of Emmanuel Macron’s Success. Politics and Governance, 8(4), 545–555.
- Guasti, P. (2021). Same same, but different: Domestic conditions of illiberal backlash against universal rights in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In: Lorenz, A. & Anders, L.H. (eds.). Illiberal Trends and Anti-EU Politics in East Central Europe. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Bustikova, L. & Guasti, P. (2017). The Illiberal Turn or Swerve in Central Europe? Politics and Governance, 5(4), 166–176.
- Perottino, M. & Guasti, P. (2022) Technocratic Populism À La Française? The Roots and Mechanisms of Emmanuel Macron’s Success. Politics and Governance, 8(4), 545–555.
Recent publications:
- Suchánek, J. & Hasman, I. (2023). The Geography of Discontent and Resentment: A Spatiotemporal Analysis of Populist Radical Right Voting in Czechia Between 1992 and 2021. Geografie. SborníK ČEské Geografické SpolečNosti, 128(2), 203–229.
- Suchánek, J. & Hasman, J. (2022). Nativist with(out) a cause: a geographical analysis of the populist radical right in the 2017 and 2021 Czech parliamentary elections, Territory, Politics, Governance, 1-22.
- Bendl, T., Bořil, V., & Suchánek, J. (2020). Populismus, migrace a virtuální svět. Geografické rozhledy, 29(5), 8-11.
Sciences Po
Recent publications:
- Cossu, E. (2023). Clustering and Analysing Relevant Policy Dimensions of Populist, Left-Wing, Centrist, and Right-Wing Parties across Europe. Central European Journal of Public Policy.
- Cossu, E., Giovanna, M., & Borges A. (2020). Traditions, Institutions, and Growth: The Case of Hungary. Online Volume of the International Relations Doctoral School. Budapest: Corvinus University of Budapest.
Recent publications:
- Kirkizh, N., Stier, S. & Froio, C. (2022) Issue trade‐offs and the politics of representation: Experimental evidence from four European democracies. European Journal of Political Research.
- Castelli Gattinara, P., Froio, C. & Pirro, A. (2021). Far‐right protest mobilisation in Europe: Grievances, opportunities and resources. European Journal of Political Research.
- Cavalieri, A. & Froio, C. (2021). The behaviour of populist parties in parliament. The policy agendas of populist and other political parties in the Italian question time. Italian Political Science Review.
- Castelli Gattinara, P. & Froio, C. (2021). Politicizing Europe on the far right: Anti-EU mobilization across the party and non-party sector in France. Social Movement Studies.
Recent publications:
- Guntermann, E., & Lachat, R. (2023). Policy Preferences Influence Vote Choice When A New Party Emerges: Evidence from the 2017 French Presidential Election. Political Studies, 71(3), 795–814.
- Kritzinger, S., Foucault. M., Romain, L., Partheymüller, J., Plescia, C., & Brouard, S. (2021). “Rally round the flag”: the COVID-19 crisis and trust in the national government. West European Politics, 44(5-6): 1205-1231.
- De Sio, L., & Lachat, R. (2020). Making sense of party strategy innovation: Challenge to ideology and conflict mobilization as dimensions of party competition. West European Politics, 43(3), 688–719.
- Vasilopoulos, P., & Lachat, R. (2018). Authoritarianism and political choice in France. Acta Politica, 53(4), 612–634.
Recent publications:
- Rovny, J. (2024). Ethnic Minorities, Political Competition, and Democracy: Circumstantial Liberals. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Rovny, J. (2023). Antidote to Backsliding: Ethnic Politics and Democratic Resilience. American Political Science Review.
- Rovny, J. & Polk, J. (2019). Still blurry? Economic salience, position and voting for radical right parties in Western Europe. European Journal of Political Research, 59 (2), 248-268.
- Kostelka, F. & Rovny, J. (2019). It’s Not the Left: Ideology and Protest Participation in Old and New Democracies. Comparative Political Studies, 52(11), 1677-1712.
- Jie Im, Z., Mayer, N., Palier, B. & Rovny, J. (2019). The “losers of automation”: A reservoir of votes for the radical right? Research & Politics, 6 (1), 1-7.
Scuola Normale Superiore
Recent publications:
- Caiani, M., Susasnzky, P. & Saridakis, N. (2024), "Radical Right and Anti-Vax Protests Between Movements and Parties: a Comparative Study", Acta Politica, DOI:10.1057/s41269-024-00339-5.
- Caiani, M., Carlotti, B., Lovec, M., Wincławska, M., Kočan, F. and Balcer, A. (2024), “Narratives and Euroscepticism in the Western Balkans and the EU”, Routledge
- Caiani, M. & Eren, B. (2023), “A European Antipopulist Movement? The emergence and diffusion of the Italian Sardines and Finnish Herrings”, Mobilization: An International Quarterly, 28 (3): 375–395.
- Caiani, M., Płatek, D. & Piotrowski, G. (2024), "Mobilization of radical right movements in Central and Eastern Europe", Intersections. EEJSP 10(1),
Recent publications:
- Eren, B. (2023). ‘Love is over, this is going to be Turkey!’: Cathartic resonance between the June 2013 protests in Turkey and Brazil. Social Movement Studies. doi:
- Caiani, M., & Eren, B. (2023). A European antipopulist movement? The emergence and diffusion of the Italian sardines and Finnish herrings. Mobilization: An International Quarterly, 28(3), 375–395. doi:
Recent publication:
- Minicozzi, A. (2023). How Populists use religion(s). A comparative study on Italy and France. Partecipazione & Conflitto. 16(2), 379–395.
Recent publications:
- Pennucci, Nicolò. 2023. "Resisting Right-Wing Populism in Power: A Comparative Analysis of the Facebook Activities of Social Movements in Italy and the UK." Journal of Information Technology & Politics, DOI: 10.1080/19331681.2023.2262973
Recent publications:
- Cirhan, Tomáš, and Jakub Stauber. 2018. ‘Online Supporter and Registered Sympathiser as Alternatives to a Regular Party Member’. East European Politics 34 (4): 458–82.
- Kofroň, Jan, and Jakub Stauber. 2023. ‘The Impact of the Russo-Ukrainian Conflict on Military Expenditures of European States: Security Alliances or Geography?’ Journal of Contemporary European Studies 31 (1): 151–68.
- Kofroň, Jan, and Jakub Stauber. 2024. ‘Spending on Personnel or Equipment: Panel Analysis of Military Expenditures in the NATO Countries 2005–2019’. European Security 0 (0): 1–25.
- Perottino, Michel, Jakub Stauber, and Daniel Šárovec. 2020. ‘Reconstruction of the State: Lobbying against Political Corruption in the Czech Republic’. Journal of Public Affairs 20 (1): e2054.
- Stauber, Jakub, and Tomáš Cirhan. 2024. ‘Leader vs. the Party Dilemma: The Case of a Party Rebirth in Czechia’. East European Politics 0 (0): 1–23.
Recent publication:
Ivan Tranfić (2022) Framing ‘gender ideology’: religious populism in the Croatian Catholic Church. Identities 29(4): 466-482, DOI: 10.1080/1070289X.2022.2037899
Recent publications:
- Trenz, H-J. (2023). Democracy and the Public Sphere. From Dystopia back to Utopia. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
- Cinalli, M., Trenz, H-J., Brändle, V., Eisele, O. & Lahusen, C. (2021). Solidarity in the Media and Public Contention over Refugees in Europe. London: Routledge.
- Brändle, V. K., Galpin, C. & Trenz, H-J. (2021) Brexit as ‘Politics of Division’: Social Media Campaigning in the Aftermath of the Referendum, Social Movement Stu dies, 21(1-2), 234-251.
- Trenz, H-J. (2016) Narrating European Society. Toward a Sociology of European Integration. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, Lexington Books.
SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities
Recent publications:
- Stanley B., Markowski, R. & Cześnik, M. (2021). Marginalization, Not Mainstreaming: Explaining the Failure of Fringe Parties in Poland, Party Politics 27(1), 46-57.
- Kotnarowski, M., Poletti, M., Markowski, R. & Segatti, P. (2021). Populist Competition, in: H. Schmitt, H., Segatti, P., van der Eijk, C. (eds.) 2021. Consequences of Context: How the Social, Political, and Economic Environment Affects Voting. London – New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 205-226.
- Markowski, R. (2020). Plurality support for democratic decay: The 2019 Polish parliamentary election, West European Politics 47(7), 1513-25.
- Markowski, R. (2019). Creating Authoritarian Clientelism: Poland After 2015. Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 11, 111-32.
- Markowski, R. (2016). Determinants of democratic legitimacy: liberal democracy and social justice. in: Ferrin, M. & Kriesi, H. (eds.) How Europeans View and Evaluate democracy? Oxford: Oxford University Press, 257-282.
Recent publications:
- Szulecki, K., Kotnarowski, M. & Stanley, B. (2023). Emigrant external voting in Central-Eastern Europe after EU enlargement. Electoral Studies, 81.
- Pirro, A. L. P. & Stanley, B. (2022). Forging, Bending, and Breaking: Enacting the “Illiberal Playbook” in Hungary and Poland. Perspectives on Politics, 20(1), 86-101.
- Stanley, B., Markowski, R. & Cześnik, M. (2021). Marginalization, not mainstreaming: Explaining the failure of fringe parties in Poland. Party Politics, 21(1), 46-57.
- Stanley, B. & Cześnik, M. (2021). Uninformed or informed populists? The relationship between political knowledge, socio-economic status and populist attitudes in Poland. East European Politics, 38(1) 43-60.
- Bill, S. & Stanley, B. (2020). Whose Poland is it to be? PiS and the struggle between monism and pluralism. East European Politics, 36(3), 1-17.
Recent publications:
- Holesch, A., and Zagórski, P. (2023). Toxic friend? The impact of the Russian invasion on democratic backsliding and PRR cooperation in Europe, West European Politics, 46:6, 1178-1204.
- Martín, I., Paradés, M., and Zagórski, P. (2023). How the traumatic past influences the vote of the populist radical right parties in Germany, Poland, and Spain. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 31(2), 332-344.
- Cordero, G., Zagórski, P., and Rama, J. (2022). Give Me Your Least Educated. Immigration, Education and Support for Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe. Political Studies Review 20(3): 517–524.
- Zagórski, P., Rama, J., and Cordero, G. (2021). Young and Temporary: Youth Employment Insecurity and Support for Right-Wing Populist Parties in Europe. Government and Opposition, 56(3): 405–426.
- Zagórski, P., and Santana, A. (2021). Exit or Voice: Abstention and Support for Populist Radical Right Parties in Central and Eastern Europe. Problems of Post-Communism 68(4): 264-278.
Recent publications:
- Żerkowska-Balas, M., Jan Lutostański, M., & Prochera, P. (2022). Archetypes of Polish Political Parties-Empirical Analysis. Journal of Political Marketing, 1-16.
- Żerkowska-Balas, M. (2022). Of Love and Hate. Origins and Effects of Positive and Negative Party Identification in Poland. Polish Sociological Review ,217(1), 3–22.
- Wenzel, M. Żerkowska-Balas, M. (2020). The left returns to Polish Parliament: a change of people’s hearts? Determinants of right and left identification on the individual level. East European Politics, 37(3), 552-571.
- Plescia, C. Górecki, M., Żerkowska-Balas, M. (2020). The 2019 EP elections in Poland. in: Kritzinger, S., Plescia, C., Raube, K., Wilhelm, J., & Wouters, J. (eds). Assessing the 2019 European Parliament Elections (1st ed.). Routledge.
- Wenzel, M., Żerkowska-Balas, M. (2019). Framing Effect of Media Portrayal of Migrants to the European Union: A survey experiment in Poland. East European Politics Societies and Cultures, 33(1), 44-65.
The German Marshall Fund of the United State / Transatlantic Foundation
Recent publications:
- Youngs, R., Bouchet, N., Godfrey, K. (2022). Rising Hostility to Democracy Support: Can It Be Countered? Carnegie Europe.
- Bouchet, N., Pishchikova, P. (2020). From Apathy to Action: Attitudes to Civic Engagement in the Eastern Partnership. The German Marshall Fund of the United States.
- Bouchet, N. (2015). Democracy promotion as US foreign policy: Bill Clinton and democratic enlargement. London: Routledge.
- Bouchet, N. (2013) The democracy tradition in US foreign policy and the Obama presidency. International Affairs 89(1), 31-51.
Recent publications:
- Hegedűs, D. & Petry, J., (2022). Rechtsstaatspolitik im Rahmen der Europäischen Union, in: Kötter, M., Röder, T., Deppe, J., Trappe, J., & Schneider, T. (eds.). Rechtsstaatsförderung: Handbuch für Forschung und Praxis. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, pp. 461-467.
- Hegedűs, D. (2021). Ungarns Selbstperipherisierung in der Europäischen Union: Hintergründe und Aussichten, in: Ellen Bos und Astrid Lorenz (eds.). Das politische System Ungarns. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 191-208.
- Hegedüs, D. (2020). Ungarns autoritärer Notstandsstaat. Zeitschrift Osteuropa, 70(3-4), 33-48.
- Hegedűs, D. (2020). Simulierte Direktdemokratie als Kampagneninstrument. Die „Nationalen Konsultationen“ der ungarischen Fidesz-Regierung, in: A. Lorenz, Ch. P. Hoffmann, U. Hitschfeld (eds.). Partizipation für alle und alles?. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 143-157.
- Hegedűs, D. (2019). Rethinking the incumbency effect. Radicalization of governing populist parties in East-Central-Europe. A case study of Hungary. European Politics and Society, 20:4, 406-430.
- Bozóki, A., & Hegedűs, D. (2018). An Externally Constrained Hybrid Regime: Hungary in the European Union. Democratization, 25(7), 1173-1189.
- Hegedűs, D. (2018). Pioneering Illiberal State Building in the European Union: The Case of Hungary, in: M. Solska, F. Bieber and D. Taleski (eds.). Illiberal and Authoritarian Tendencies in Central, Southeastern and Eastern Europe. Bern: Peter Lang, 123-143.
- Bozóki, András & Hegedűs, Dániel (2018) ‘Democracy, Dictatorship and Hybrid Regimes: Concepts and Approaches’, In M. Solska, F. Bieber and D. Taleski (eds.). Illiberal and Authoritarian Tendencies in Central, Southeastern and Eastern Europe. Bern: Peter Lang, 21-49.
Recent publications:
- Minkenberg, M. & Végh, Z. (2023). Depleting democracies: Radical right impact on parties, policies, and polities in Eastern Europe. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- Priebus, S. & Végh, Z. (2022). Hungary after the General Elections: Down the Road of Autocratisation? Südosteuropa Mitteilungen, 62(3), 7-20.
- Végh, Z. (2022). Orbán, tormenta en el horizonte. Política Exterior, 36(207), 40-46.
- Minkenberg, M., Florian, A., Végh, Z. & Zobel, M. (2021). Depleting democracy? The radical right’s impact on minority politics in Eastern Europe. International Political Science Review, 42(5), 649–671.
- Szent-Iványi, B., Végh, Z. & Lightfoot, S. (2020). Branding for business? Hungary and the sustainable development goals. Journal of International Relations and Development 23, 190–209.
- Buras, P. & Végh, Z. (2018). Stop, Brüssel! Polen und Ungarn in der Europäischen Union. Osteuropa, 68(3-5), 99-114.
- Szent-Iványi, B. & Végh, Z. (2018). Is transition experience enough? The donor-side effectiveness of Czech and Polish democracy aid to Georgia. Democratization, (25)4, 614-632.
University of Oxford
Recent publications:
- Friedrichs, J., Stoehr, N., & Formisano, G. (2022). Fear-anger contests: Governmental and populist politics of emotion. Online Social Networks and Media, 32, 1-13.
Recent publications:
- Kosmidis, S., & Theocharis, Y. (2020). Can social media incivility induce enthusiasm? Evidence from survey experiments. Public Opinion Quarterly, 84(S1), 284-308.
- Antoniou, G., Dinas, E., & Kosmidis, S. (2020). Collective victimhood and social prejudice: A post‐Holocaust theory of anti‐Semitism. Political Psychology, 41(5), 861-886.
- Kosmidis, S., Hobolt, S. B., Molloy, E., & Whitefield, S. (2019). Party competition and emotive rhetoric. Comparative Political Studies, 52(6), 811-837.
Recent publications:
- Chaisty, P., & Whitefield, S. (2023). Building voting coalitions in electoral authoritarian regimes: a case study of the 2020 constitutional reform in Russia. Post-soviet affairs, 39(4), 273-290.
- Chaisty, P., & Whitefield, S. (2022). How challenger parties can win big with frozen cleavages: Explaining the landslide victory of the Servant of the People party in the 2019 Ukrainian parliamentary elections. Party Politics, 28(1), 115–126.
- Chaisty, P., Gerry, C. J., & Whitefield, S. (2022). The buck stops elsewhere: authoritarian resilience and the politics of responsibility for COVID-19 in Russia. Post-Soviet Affairs, 38(5), 366-385.
- Chaisty, P. & Whitefild, S. (2022). Putin’s Russia: People Increasingly Identify with the Soviet Union – Here’s What That Means. The Conversation.
- Chaisty, P. & Whitefild, S. (2022). Economic Sanctions Not Likely to Shift Russian Public Opinion Against Putin Immediately - UK in a Changing Europe. UK In a Changing Europe.
- Chaisty, P. & Whitefild, S. (2022). Competing identities of the past and future in Russia and Ukraine. University of Oxford.
- Chaisty, P. & Whitefield, S. (2019). The political implications of popular support for presidential term limits in Russia, Post-Soviet Affairs, (35)4, 323-337.
- Rovny, J., & Whitefield, S. (2019). Issue dimensionality and party competition in turbulent times. Party Politics, 25(1), 4-11.
- Whitefield, S., & Rohrschneider, R. (2019). Embedding integration: How European integration splits mainstream parties. Party Politics, 25(1), 25-35.
- Kosmidis, S., Hobolt, S. B., Molloy, E., & Whitefield, S. (2019). Party competition and emotive rhetoric. Comparative Political Studies, 52(6), 811-837.
University of Vienna
Recent publications:
- Plescia, C., Kritzinger, S., & Singh, S. P. (2023). Who would vote NOTA? Explaining a ‘none of the above’ choice in eight countries. European Journal of Political Research, 62(1), 118-134.
- Partheymüller, J., Kritzinger, S., & Plescia, C. (2022). Misinformedness about the European Union and the Preference to Vote to Leave or Remain. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 60(5), 1449-1469.
- Plescia, C., & Kritzinger, S. (2022). When Marriage Gets Hard: Intra-Coalition Conflict and Electoral Accountability. Comparative political studies, 55(1), 32-59.
- Plescia, C., Kritzinger, S., & Eberl, J. M. (2021). ‘The enemy within’: Campaign attention and motivated reasoning in voter perceptions of intra-party conflict. Party Politics, 27(5), 917-927.
- Aichholzer, J., Kritzinger, S., & Plescia, C. (2021). National identity profiles and support for the European Union. European Union Politics, 22(2), 293-315.