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Central European University

Elena Basheska

Dr Elena Basheska is a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at CEU Democracy Institute. She combines this position with legal research and advisory practice in the United Kingdom.

Péter József Bori

Péter J. Bori is a PhD Candidate at the Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy at the Central European University.

Recent Publications:
- Gonda, N., & Bori, P. J. 2023. Rural politics in undemocratic times: Exploring the emancipatory potential of small rural initiatives in authoritarian Hungary. Geoforum, 143, 103766.
- Bori, P.J., & Gonda, N. 2022. Shattering the Chains of Rural Repression. In Rural Europe Takes Action: No More Business As Usual. Forum Synergies and Arc2020. pp.142-147.
- Bori, P. J., & Gonda, N. 2022. Contradictory populist ecologies: Pro-peasant propaganda and land grabbing in rural Hungary. Political Geography, 95, 102583.
- Bori, P.J. 2022. Cultivating Authoritarianism: Orbán's Political Education Project. Green European Journal

Péter Csunderlik

Péter Csunderlik is a Hungarian historian, assistant professor at Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest), research fellow at Institute of Political History (Budapest), and Junior Joint Budapest Fellow at IAS CEU (January–June 2024).

Selected publications:

Csunderlik, Péter. 2023. Egy különleges közép-európai történész. Hanák Péter pályaképe. [An Exceptional Historian from Central Europe. The Trajectory of Péter Hanák (1921–1997)]. Budapest: Napvilág Kiadó.

Csunderlik, Péter. 2022. A Galilei Kör története. Szabadgondolkodók a századelő Magyarországon (1900–1919) [The History of the Galileo Circle. Freethinkers in Hungary at the Turn of the Century (1900–1919)]. Budapest: Napvilág Kiadó.

Csunderlik, Péter. 2020. Csupa hajdani eszelős. Írások az 1900–1945 Magyarországról és emlékezetéről (All Those Erstwhile Lunatics. Writings About Hungary between 1900–1945 and its Remembrance). Budapest: Napvilág Kiadó.

Csunderlik, Péter. 2019. A „vörös farsangtól” a „vörös tatárjárásig”. A Tanácsköztársaság a korai Horthy-korszak pamflet- és visszaemlékezés-irodalmában. (From the ‘Red Carnival’ to the ‘Red Invasion’. Depiction of the Hungarian Soviet Republic in the Pamphlet and Memoir Literature of the early Horthy Era). Budapest: Napvilág Kiadó.

Csunderlik, Péter. 2017. Radikálisok, szabadgondolkodók, ateisták. A Galilei Kör (1908–1919) története. (Radicals, Freethinkers, Atheists – The History of the Galileo Circle [1908–1919]). Budapest: Napvilág Kiadó.

Zsolt Enyedi

Zsolt Enyedi is a Professor at the Department of Political Science of the Central European University and a Senior Researcher at the CEU Democracy Institute.

Recent publications:

- Mölder, M., Enyedi, Z., & Casal Bértoa, F. (2023). Party system closure and the liberal dimension of democracy: A double-edged sword. Italian Political Science Review / Rivista Italiana Di Scienza Politica, 53(1), 104-120.
- Enyedi, Z., & Bértoa, F. C. (2022). The future is not what it used to be: the failure of bipolarisation. Irish Political Studies, 37(2), 244-265.
- Bértoa, F. C., & Enyedi, Z. (2021). Party system closure: Party alliances, government alternatives, and democracy in Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Enyedi, Z. (2020). Right-wing authoritarian innovations in Central and Eastern Europe. East European Politics, 36(3), 363-377.
- Enyedi, Z., & Mölder, M. (2018). Populisms in Europe: Leftist, rightist, centrist and paternalist–nationalist challengers. In Trumping the Mainstream (pp. 54-94). London: Routledge.

Éva Fodor

Eva Fodor is Professor of Gender Studies and is currently a member of CEU's Senior Leadership Team as Pro-Rector for Foresight and Analysis.

Michael Ignatieff

Michael Ignatieff served as President and Rector of CEU between 2016 and 2021, the turbulent years which saw CEU's expulsion from Budapest and its re-establishment in Vienna. He now is a professor in CEU's history department.

Erin K. Jenne

Erin K. Jenne (Stanford University, PhD) is a professor at the International Relations Department at Central European University in Vienna, Austria.

Recent publications:

- Chryssogelos, A., Jenne, E. K., LaRoche, C. D., Verbeek, B., Zaslove, A., Destradi, S., Cadier, D., Coticchia, F., Donelli, F., & Lequesne, C. (2023). New Directions in the Study of Populism in International Relations. International Studies Review.
- Jenne, E., Bozoki, A., & Visnovitz P. (2022). Antisemitic Tropes, Fifth Columnism and Soros-Bashing: The Curious Case of Central European University, In: Mylonas, H. & Radnitz, S. Enemies Within: The Global Politics of Fifth Columns, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Jenne, E. (2022). Varieties of Nationalism in the Age of Covid-19, Nationalities Papers, 50(1): 26-44.
- Kopchick, C., Cunningham, K. G., Jenne, E. K., & Saideman, S. (2022). Emerging diasporas: Exploring mobilization outside the homeland. Journal of Peace Research, 59(2), 107-121.
- Jenne, E. (2021). Populism, nationalism and revisionist foreign policy, International Affairs, 97(2): 323-343.
- Visnovitz, P. & Jenne, E. (2021). Populist argumentation in foreign policy: the case of Hungary under Viktor Orbán, 2010–2020. Comparative European Politics, 19, 683–702.
- Jenne, E. K., Hawkins, K. A., & Silva, B. C. (2021). Mapping populism and nationalism in leader rhetoric across North America and Europe. Studies in Comparative International Development, 56(2), 170-196.
- Bochsler, D., Green, E., Jenne, E., Mylonas, H., & Wimmer, A. (2021). Exchange on the quantitative measurement of ethnic and national identity. Nations and Nationalism, 27(1), 22-40.
- Popovic, M., Jenne, E. K., & Medzihorsky, J. (2020). Charm offensive or offensive charm? An analysis of Russian and Chinese cultural institutes abroad. Europe-Asia Studies, 72(9), 1445-1467.
- Hawkins, K. A., Aguilar, R., Silva, B. C., Jenne, E. K., Kocijan, B., & Kaltwasser, C. R. (2019). Measuring populist discourse: The global populism database. In EPSA Annual Conference in Belfast, UK, 20-22.
- Hawkins, K. A., Aguilar, R., Castanho Silva, B., Jenne, E. K., Kocijan, B., & Rovira Kaltwasser, C. (2019). Global populism database, v1. Harvard Dataverse, 1.
- Jenne, E., & Huszka, B. (2019). The Importance of Being Balanced: Lessons from Negotiated Settlements to Self-Determination Movements in Bosnia, Macedonia and Kosovo. In: Alterman, J.B. & Todman, W. Independence Movements and Their Aftermath: Self-Determination and the Struggle for Success. Lanhan, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
- Jenne, E. (2018). Is Nationalism or Ethnopopulism on the Rise Today? Ethnopolitics, 17(5), 546-552.
- Jenne, E. (2015). Nested Security: Lessons in Conflict Management from the League of Nations and the European Union. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

Dimitry Vladimirovich Kochenov

Professor Dimitry Vladimirovich Kochenov (LEGS '02) leads the Rule of Law Workgroup at CEU Democracy Institute and teaches at the Department of Legal Studies.

Seraphine F. Maerz

Seraphine F. Maerz is Chair of Political Sciences with a Focus on Qualitative Empirical Social Research at the Department of Political Science of the Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main.

Recent publication:

- Wilson, M. C., Medzihorsky, J., Maerz, S. F., Lindenfors, P., Edgell, A. B., Boese, V. A., & Lindberg, S. I. (2023). Episodes of liberalization in autocracies: a new approach to quantitatively studying democratization. Political Science Research and Methods, 11(3), 501-520.
- Edgell, A. B., Lachapelle, J., Lührmann, A., & Maerz, S. F. (2021). Pandemic backsliding: Violations of democratic standards during Covid-19. Social Science & Medicine, 285, 114244.
- Boese, V. A., Edgell, A. B., Hellmeier, S., Maerz, S. F., & Lindberg, S. I. (2021). How democracies prevail: democratic resilience as a two-stage process. Democratization, 28(5), 885-907.
- Maerz, S.F., Lührmann, A., Hellmeier, S., Grahn, S. & Lindberg, S. I. (2020). State of the world 2019: Autocratization surges – resistance grows, Democratization, 27(6), 909-927.
- Maerz, S. F. (2019). Simulating pluralism: the language of democracy in hegemonic authoritarianism. Political Research Exchange, 1(1), 1-23.

Zoltán Miklósi

Zoltán Miklósi is Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science of the Central European University.

Bálint Mikola

Bálint Mikola is is a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at the CEU Democracy Institute.

Andres Moles

Andres Moles is Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science of the Central European University.

Péter Radó

Péter Radó is a Research Fellow at the CEU Democracy Institute.

Liliia Sablina

Liliia Sablina is a PhD student at the Department of International Relations of the Central European University.

Dean Schafer

Dean Schafer is a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the CEU Democracy Institute.

Recent publications:

- Schafer, D. (2023). Sycophants in 280 characters: Using Twitter to measure the authoritarian sentiment of presidential advisors in Turkey. Party Politics.
- Schafer, D. (2022). The Authoritarian Appeal in Backsliding Democracies. Democracy Paradox.
- Schafer, D. (2021). A popular mandate for strongmen: what public opinion data reveals about support for executive aggrandizement in Turkey, 1996-2018. South European Society and Politics, 26(3),355-382.

Carsten Q. Schneider

Carsten Q. Schneider is Pro-Rector for External Relations and Professor of Political Science at Central European University (CEU) and MA Program Director of the Department of Political Science.

Recent publication:

- Schneider, Carsten Q. (Forthcoming). Set-Theoretic Multi-Method Research: A Guide to Combining QCA and Case Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Oana, I. E., Schneider, C. Q., & Thomann, E. (2021). Qualitative comparative analysis using R: A beginner's guide. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.
- Maerz, S. F., & Schneider, C. Q. (2020). Comparing public communication in democracies and autocracies: automated text analyses of speeches by heads of government. Quality & Quantity, 54(2), 517-545.
- Schneider, C. Q. (2019). Two-step QCA revisited: the necessity of context conditions. Quality & Quantity, 53, 1109-1126.
- Rohlfing, I., & Schneider, C. Q. (2018). A unifying framework for causal analysis in set-theoretic multimethod research. Sociological Methods & Research, 47(1), 37-63.

Dorottya Szikra

Dorottya Szikra is Senior Researcher at the Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest, and Visiting Professor at the Department of Gender Studies, CEU Vienna.

Balázs Trencsényi

Balázs Trencsényi is a Professor at the Department of History of the Central European University.

Balázs Vedres

Balázs Vedres is a Professor at the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology and at the Department of Network and Data Science of the Central European University.

Franziska Wagner

Franziska Wagner is a Research Assistant at the CEU Democracy Institute.

Mehmet Yavuz

Mehmet Yavuz is a PhD student at the Department of Political Science of the Central European University.

Charles University

Jaroslav Bílek

Jaroslav Bílek is a Research Fellow at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague.

Recent publications:

- Guasti, P. & Bílek, J. (2022). The Demand Side of Vaccine Politics and Pandemic Illiberalism. East European Politics, 38(4), 594–616.
- Bílek, J., Lysek, J., & Zbíral, R. (2021). Věrni svému jménu? Jak politické strany mezery působí v legislativním procesu. Sociologicky Casopis, 57(4), 433-454.

Tomáš Cirhan

Tomáš Cirhan is a researcher at the Institute of Political Studies at Charles University in Prague.

Recent publications:

- Cirhan, T. (2023). Party Organization and Electoral Success of New Anti-establishment Parties. Milton Park: Routledge.
- Cirhan, T. & Kopecký, P. (2023). Fragmentation and anti-establishment politics: Czech party system in the 2020s, in: Hofmeister, W. & Poguntke, T. (eds.) Political Parties and the Crisis of Democracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Cirhan, T. & Stauber, J. (2019). Okamura as phoenix of Czech far-right: Analysis of the role of party leader personality in the rebirth of failed party. Conference paper prepared for the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association.
- Cirhan, T. & Kopecký, P. (2019). From Ideology to interest driven politics: Václav Klaus, Andrej Babiš and two eras of party leadership in the Czech Republic, in: Ghergina, S. (ed.) Party Leaders in Eastern Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Cirhan, T. (2018). Political-Firm or Political Party? An Analysis of ANO’s Party Elites’ Homogeneity, in: Wakounig, M. & Kuhnel, F. (eds.) East Central Europe at a Glance: People -Cultures – Developments. Vienna: LIT VERLAG.

Petra Guasti

Petra Guasti is an Associate Professor of Democratic Theory at the Charles University in Prague, and a Senior Research Fellow at the Czech Academy of Sciences. Between 2022 and 2025, she is a co-PI of SYRI (National Institute for Research on the Socio-Economic Impact of Diseases and Systemic Risks). In SYRI, she also leads a PA5 working on polarization & populism. Petra received her doctoral degrees in political science from the University of Bremen (2014), political sociology from Charles University in Prague (2007), and habilitation in political science at the Goethe University Frankfurt (2021). In AUTHLIB, Petra leads the work package on minipublics. Her research focuses on reconfiguring the political landscape and revolves around representation, democratization, and populism.

Recent publications:

- Guasti, P. & Bustikova, L. (2023). Varieties of Illiberal Backlash in Central Europe. Problems of Post-Communism, 70(2), 130–142.
- Karolewski, I. P., Libin, X., Patapan, H., Halmai, G., Kutay, A., Guasti, P., & Scheuerman, W. E. (2023). Carl Schmitt and Democratic Backsliding. Contemporary Political Theory. 1-32.
- Guasti, P & Bustikova, L. (2022). Pandemic power grab, East European Politics, (38)4, 529-550.
- Guasti, P. & Bílek, J. (2022). The Demand Side of Vaccine Politics and Pandemic Illiberalism. East European Politics, 38(4), 594–616.
- Perottino, M. & Guasti, P. (2022) Technocratic Populism À La Française? The Roots and Mechanisms of Emmanuel Macron’s Success. Politics and Governance, 8(4), 545–555.
- Guasti, P. (2021). Same same, but different: Domestic conditions of illiberal backlash against universal rights in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In: Lorenz, A. & Anders, L.H. (eds.). Illiberal Trends and Anti-EU Politics in East Central Europe. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Bustikova, L. & Guasti, P. (2017). The Illiberal Turn or Swerve in Central Europe? Politics and Governance, 5(4), 166–176.

Aleš Michal

Aleš Michal is a Ph.D. student of the Institute of Political Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague.

Michel Perottino

Recent publications:

- Perottino, M. & Guasti, P. (2022) Technocratic Populism À La Française? The Roots and Mechanisms of Emmanuel Macron’s Success. Politics and Governance, 8(4), 545–555.

Jonáš Suchánek

Jonáš Suchánek is a PhD Candidate at the Department of Social Geography and Regional Development at the Charles University in Prague.

Recent publications:
- Suchánek, J. & Hasman, I. (2023). The Geography of Discontent and Resentment: A Spatiotemporal Analysis of Populist Radical Right Voting in Czechia Between 1992 and 2021. Geografie. SborníK ČEské Geografické SpolečNosti, 128(2), 203–229.
- Suchánek, J. & Hasman, J. (2022). Nativist with(out) a cause: a geographical analysis of the populist radical right in the 2017 and 2021 Czech parliamentary elections, Territory, Politics, Governance, 1-22.
- Bendl, T., Bořil, V., & Suchánek, J. (2020). Populismus, migrace a virtuální svět. Geografické rozhledy, 29(5), 8-11.

Sciences Po

Jean-Philippe Cointet

Jean-Philippe Cointet is a Researcher at the Sciences Po médialab.

Elena Cossu

Elena Cossu is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Center for European Studies and Comparative Politics at Sciences Po.

Recent publications:

- Cossu, E. (2023). Clustering and Analysing Relevant Policy Dimensions of Populist, Left-Wing, Centrist, and Right-Wing Parties across Europe. Central European Journal of Public Policy.
- Cossu, E., Giovanna, M., & Borges A. (2020). Traditions, Institutions, and Growth: The Case of Hungary. Online Volume of the International Relations Doctoral School. Budapest: Corvinus University of Budapest.

Caterina Froio

Caterina Froio is Assistant Professor in Political Science/E-politics at Sciences Po (CEE).

Recent publications:

- Kirkizh, N., Stier, S. & Froio, C. (2022) Issue trade‐offs and the politics of representation: Experimental evidence from four European democracies. European Journal of Political Research.
- Castelli Gattinara, P., Froio, C. & Pirro, A. (2021). Far‐right protest mobilisation in Europe: Grievances, opportunities and resources. European Journal of Political Research.
- Cavalieri, A. & Froio, C. (2021). The behaviour of populist parties in parliament. The policy agendas of populist and other political parties in the Italian question time. Italian Political Science Review.
- Castelli Gattinara, P. & Froio, C. (2021). Politicizing Europe on the far right: Anti-EU mobilization across the party and non-party sector in France. Social Movement Studies.

Malo Jan

Malo Jan is a Phd student in political science at Sciences Po’s Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics.

Romain Lachat

Romain Lachat is Associate Professor of political science at the Cevipof at Sciences Po in Paris.

Recent publications:

- Guntermann, E., & Lachat, R. (2023). Policy Preferences Influence Vote Choice When A New Party Emerges: Evidence from the 2017 French Presidential Election. Political Studies, 71(3), 795–814.
- Kritzinger, S., Foucault. M., Romain, L., Partheymüller, J., Plescia, C., & Brouard, S. (2021). “Rally round the flag”: the COVID-19 crisis and trust in the national government. West European Politics, 44(5-6): 1205-1231.
- De Sio, L., & Lachat, R. (2020). Making sense of party strategy innovation: Challenge to ideology and conflict mobilization as dimensions of party competition. West European Politics, 43(3), 688–719.
- Vasilopoulos, P., & Lachat, R. (2018). Authoritarianism and political choice in France. Acta Politica, 53(4), 612–634.

Jan Rovny

Jan Rovny is an Associate Professor at Sciences Po, Center for European Studies and Compared Politics (CEE) and the Interdisciplinary Research Center for the Evaluation of Public Policies (LIEPP).

Recent publications:
- Rovny, J. (2024). Ethnic Minorities, Political Competition, and Democracy: Circumstantial Liberals. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Rovny, J. (2023). Antidote to Backsliding: Ethnic Politics and Democratic Resilience. American Political Science Review.
- Rovny, J. & Polk, J. (2019). Still blurry? Economic salience, position and voting for radical right parties in Western Europe. European Journal of Political Research, 59 (2), 248-268.
- Kostelka, F. & Rovny, J. (2019). It’s Not the Left: Ideology and Protest Participation in Old and New Democracies. Comparative Political Studies, 52(11), 1677-1712.
- Jie Im, Z., Mayer, N., Palier, B. & Rovny, J. (2019). The “losers of automation”: A reservoir of votes for the radical right? Research & Politics, 6 (1), 1-7.

Luis Sattelmayer

Luis Sattelmayer is a PhD student at the Center for European Studies and Comparative Politics at SciencesPo Paris.

Scuola Normale Superiore

Manuela Caiani

Manuela Caiani is Associate Professor in Political Science at the Scuola Normale Superiore and affiliated scholar at the Cosmos Center for Social Movement Studies (SNS).

Recent publications:
- Caiani, M., Susasnzky, P. & Saridakis, N. (2024), "Radical Right and Anti-Vax Protests Between Movements and Parties: a Comparative Study", Acta Politica, DOI:10.1057/s41269-024-00339-5.
- Caiani, M., Carlotti, B., Lovec, M., Wincławska, M., Kočan, F. and Balcer, A. (2024), “Narratives and Euroscepticism in the Western Balkans and the EU”, Routledge
- Caiani, M. & Eren, B. (2023), “A European Antipopulist Movement? The emergence and diffusion of the Italian Sardines and Finnish Herrings”, Mobilization: An International Quarterly, 28 (3): 375–395.
- Caiani, M., Płatek, D. & Piotrowski, G. (2024), "Mobilization of radical right movements in Central and Eastern Europe", Intersections. EEJSP 10(1),

Andreas Dafnos

Andreas Dafnos is a research associate at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich.

Batuhan Eren

Batuhan Eren is a PhD candidate and researcher at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of Scuola Normale Superiore in Florence, and a member of the Center on Social Movements Studies (COSMOS).

Recent publications:
- Eren, B. (2023). ‘Love is over, this is going to be Turkey!’: Cathartic resonance between the June 2013 protests in Turkey and Brazil. Social Movement Studies. doi:
- Caiani, M., & Eren, B. (2023). A European antipopulist movement? The emergence and diffusion of the Italian sardines and Finnish herrings. Mobilization: An International Quarterly, 28(3), 375–395. doi:

Alessio Minicozzi

Alessio Minicozzi is a research assistant at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences at Scuola Normale Superiore.

Recent publication:
- Minicozzi, A. (2023). How Populists use religion(s). A comparative study on Italy and France. Partecipazione & Conflitto. 16(2), 379–395.

Nicolò Pennucci

Nicolò Pennucci is a PhD candidate in political science and sociology at the Scuola Normale Superiore.

Recent publications:
- Pennucci, Nicolò. 2023. "Resisting Right-Wing Populism in Power: A Comparative Analysis of the Facebook Activities of Social Movements in Italy and the UK." Journal of Information Technology & Politics, DOI: 10.1080/19331681.2023.2262973

Jakub Stauber

Jakub Stauber is an assistant professor at the Institute of Political Studies of the Charles University in Prague.

Recent publications:
- Cirhan, Tomáš, and Jakub Stauber. 2018. ‘Online Supporter and Registered Sympathiser as Alternatives to a Regular Party Member’. East European Politics 34 (4): 458–82.
- Kofroň, Jan, and Jakub Stauber. 2023. ‘The Impact of the Russo-Ukrainian Conflict on Military Expenditures of European States: Security Alliances or Geography?’ Journal of Contemporary European Studies 31 (1): 151–68.
- Kofroň, Jan, and Jakub Stauber. 2024. ‘Spending on Personnel or Equipment: Panel Analysis of Military Expenditures in the NATO Countries 2005–2019’. European Security 0 (0): 1–25.
- Perottino, Michel, Jakub Stauber, and Daniel Šárovec. 2020. ‘Reconstruction of the State: Lobbying against Political Corruption in the Czech Republic’. Journal of Public Affairs 20 (1): e2054.
- Stauber, Jakub, and Tomáš Cirhan. 2024. ‘Leader vs. the Party Dilemma: The Case of a Party Rebirth in Czechia’. East European Politics 0 (0): 1–23.

Ivan Tranfić

Ivan Tranfić is a PhD candidate in Political Science and Sociology at the Scuola Normale Superiore and a member of the Center of Social Movement Studies (COSMOS).

Recent publication:
Ivan Tranfić (2022) Framing ‘gender ideology’: religious populism in the Croatian Catholic Church. Identities 29(4): 466-482, DOI: 10.1080/1070289X.2022.2037899

Hans-Jörg Trenz

Hans-Jörg Trenz is Professor of Sociology of Culture and Communication at Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa/Florence/Italy.

Recent publications:
- Trenz, H-J. (2023). Democracy and the Public Sphere. From Dystopia back to Utopia. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
- Cinalli, M., Trenz, H-J., Brändle, V., Eisele, O. & Lahusen, C. (2021). Solidarity in the Media and Public Contention over Refugees in Europe. London: Routledge.
- Brändle, V. K., Galpin, C. & Trenz, H-J. (2021) Brexit as ‘Politics of Division’: Social Media Campaigning in the Aftermath of the Referendum, Social Movement Stu dies, 21(1-2), 234-251.
- Trenz, H-J. (2016) Narrating European Society. Toward a Sociology of European Integration. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, Lexington Books.

SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities

Adam Bodnar

Adam Bodnar was involved in AUTHLIB as Dean of the Faculty of Law at the SWPS University before he was appointed Minister of Justice of Poland.

Radoław Markowski

Radosław Markowski is Head of the Center for the Study of Democracy at the SWPS University.

Recent publications:
- Stanley B., Markowski, R. & Cześnik, M. (2021). Marginalization, Not Mainstreaming: Explaining the Failure of Fringe Parties in Poland, Party Politics 27(1), 46-57.
- Kotnarowski, M., Poletti, M., Markowski, R. & Segatti, P. (2021). Populist Competition, in: H. Schmitt, H., Segatti, P., van der Eijk, C. (eds.) 2021. Consequences of Context: How the Social, Political, and Economic Environment Affects Voting. London – New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 205-226.
- Markowski, R. (2020). Plurality support for democratic decay: The 2019 Polish parliamentary election, West European Politics 47(7), 1513-25.
- Markowski, R. (2019). Creating Authoritarian Clientelism: Poland After 2015. Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 11, 111-32.
- Markowski, R. (2016). Determinants of democratic legitimacy: liberal democracy and social justice. in: Ferrin, M. & Kriesi, H. (eds.) How Europeans View and Evaluate democracy? Oxford: Oxford University Press, 257-282.

Ben Stanley

Ben Stanley is an Associate Professor of the Institute of Social Sciences at the SWPS University.

Recent publications:

- Szulecki, K., Kotnarowski, M. & Stanley, B. (2023). Emigrant external voting in Central-Eastern Europe after EU enlargement. Electoral Studies, 81.
- Pirro, A. L. P. & Stanley, B. (2022). Forging, Bending, and Breaking: Enacting the “Illiberal Playbook” in Hungary and Poland. Perspectives on Politics, 20(1), 86-101.
- Stanley, B., Markowski, R. & Cześnik, M. (2021). Marginalization, not mainstreaming: Explaining the failure of fringe parties in Poland. Party Politics, 21(1), 46-57.
- Stanley, B. & Cześnik, M. (2021). Uninformed or informed populists? The relationship between political knowledge, socio-economic status and populist attitudes in Poland. East European Politics, 38(1) 43-60.
- Bill, S. & Stanley, B. (2020). Whose Poland is it to be? PiS and the struggle between monism and pluralism. East European Politics, 36(3), 1-17.

Piotr Zagórski

Piotr Zagórski is an Assistant Professor of the Institute of Social Sciences at the SWPS University.

Recent publications:

- Holesch, A., and Zagórski, P. (2023). Toxic friend? The impact of the Russian invasion on democratic backsliding and PRR cooperation in Europe, West European Politics, 46:6, 1178-1204.
- Martín, I., Paradés, M., and Zagórski, P. (2023). How the traumatic past influences the vote of the populist radical right parties in Germany, Poland, and Spain. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 31(2), 332-344.
- Cordero, G., Zagórski, P., and Rama, J. (2022). Give Me Your Least Educated. Immigration, Education and Support for Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe. Political Studies Review 20(3): 517–524.
- Zagórski, P., Rama, J., and Cordero, G. (2021). Young and Temporary: Youth Employment Insecurity and Support for Right-Wing Populist Parties in Europe. Government and Opposition, 56(3): 405–426.
- Zagórski, P., and Santana, A. (2021). Exit or Voice: Abstention and Support for Populist Radical Right Parties in Central and Eastern Europe. Problems of Post-Communism 68(4): 264-278.

Marta Żerkowska-Balas

Marta Żerkowska-Balas is an Assistant Professor of the Institute of Social Sciences at the SWPS University.

Recent publications:

- Żerkowska-Balas, M., Jan Lutostański, M., & Prochera, P. (2022). Archetypes of Polish Political Parties-Empirical Analysis. Journal of Political Marketing, 1-16.
- Żerkowska-Balas, M. (2022). Of Love and Hate. Origins and Effects of Positive and Negative Party Identification in Poland. Polish Sociological Review ,217(1), 3–22.
- Wenzel, M. Żerkowska-Balas, M. (2020). The left returns to Polish Parliament: a change of people’s hearts? Determinants of right and left identification on the individual level. East European Politics, 37(3), 552-571.
- Plescia, C. Górecki, M., Żerkowska-Balas, M. (2020). The 2019 EP elections in Poland. in: Kritzinger, S., Plescia, C., Raube, K., Wilhelm, J., & Wouters, J. (eds). Assessing the 2019 European Parliament Elections (1st ed.). Routledge.
- Wenzel, M., Żerkowska-Balas, M. (2019). Framing Effect of Media Portrayal of Migrants to the European Union: A survey experiment in Poland. East European Politics Societies and Cultures, 33(1), 44-65.

The German Marshall Fund of the United State / Transatlantic Foundation

Nicolas Bouchet

Nicolas Bouchet is a visiting fellow at the Engaging Central Europe program of the Transatlantic Foundation / The German Marshall Fund of the United States.

Recent publications:

- Youngs, R., Bouchet, N., Godfrey, K. (2022). Rising Hostility to Democracy Support: Can It Be Countered? Carnegie Europe.
- Bouchet, N., Pishchikova, P. (2020). From Apathy to Action: Attitudes to Civic Engagement in the Eastern Partnership. The German Marshall Fund of the United States.
- Bouchet, N. (2015). Democracy promotion as US foreign policy: Bill Clinton and democratic enlargement. London: Routledge.
- Bouchet, N. (2013) The democracy tradition in US foreign policy and the Obama presidency. International Affairs 89(1), 31-51.

Dániel Hegedűs

Dániel Hegedűs is a senior fellow at the Engaging Central Europe program of the Transatlantic Foundation / The German Marshall Fund of the United States.
Recent publications:

- Hegedűs, D. & Petry, J., (2022). Rechtsstaatspolitik im Rahmen der Europäischen Union, in: Kötter, M., Röder, T., Deppe, J., Trappe, J., & Schneider, T. (eds.). Rechtsstaatsförderung: Handbuch für Forschung und Praxis. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, pp. 461-467.
- Hegedűs, D. (2021). Ungarns Selbstperipherisierung in der Europäischen Union: Hintergründe und Aussichten, in: Ellen Bos und Astrid Lorenz (eds.). Das politische System Ungarns. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 191-208.
- Hegedüs, D. (2020). Ungarns autoritärer Notstandsstaat. Zeitschrift Osteuropa, 70(3-4), 33-48.
- Hegedűs, D. (2020). Simulierte Direktdemokratie als Kampagneninstrument. Die „Nationalen Konsultationen“ der ungarischen Fidesz-Regierung, in: A. Lorenz, Ch. P. Hoffmann, U. Hitschfeld (eds.). Partizipation für alle und alles?. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 143-157.
- Hegedűs, D. (2019). Rethinking the incumbency effect. Radicalization of governing populist parties in East-Central-Europe. A case study of Hungary. European Politics and Society, 20:4, 406-430.
- Bozóki, A., & Hegedűs, D. (2018). An Externally Constrained Hybrid Regime: Hungary in the European Union. Democratization, 25(7), 1173-1189.
- Hegedűs, D. (2018). Pioneering Illiberal State Building in the European Union: The Case of Hungary, in: M. Solska, F. Bieber and D. Taleski (eds.). Illiberal and Authoritarian Tendencies in Central, Southeastern and Eastern Europe. Bern: Peter Lang, 123-143.
- Bozóki, András & Hegedűs, Dániel (2018) ‘Democracy, Dictatorship and Hybrid Regimes: Concepts and Approaches’, In M. Solska, F. Bieber and D. Taleski (eds.). Illiberal and Authoritarian Tendencies in Central, Southeastern and Eastern Europe. Bern: Peter Lang, 21-49.

Péter Krekó

Péter Krekó is a visiting fellow at the Engaging Central Europe program of the Transatlantic Foundation / The German Marshall Fund of the United States.

Dorka Takácsy

Dorka Takácsy is a visiting fellow at the Engaging Central Europe program of the Transatlantic Foundation / The German Marshall Fund of the United States.

Zsuzsanna Végh

Zsuzsanna Végh is a visiting fellow at the Engaging Central Europe program of the Transatlantic Foundation / The German Marshall Fund of the United States.

Recent publications:

- Minkenberg, M. & Végh, Z. (2023). Depleting democracies: Radical right impact on parties, policies, and polities in Eastern Europe. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- Priebus, S. & Végh, Z. (2022). Hungary after the General Elections: Down the Road of Autocratisation? Südosteuropa Mitteilungen, 62(3), 7-20.
- Végh, Z. (2022). Orbán, tormenta en el horizonte. Política Exterior, 36(207), 40-46.
- Minkenberg, M., Florian, A., Végh, Z. & Zobel, M. (2021). Depleting democracy? The radical right’s impact on minority politics in Eastern Europe. International Political Science Review, 42(5), 649–671.
- Szent-Iványi, B., Végh, Z. & Lightfoot, S. (2020). Branding for business? Hungary and the sustainable development goals. Journal of International Relations and Development 23, 190–209.
- Buras, P. & Végh, Z. (2018). Stop, Brüssel! Polen und Ungarn in der Europäischen Union. Osteuropa, 68(3-5), 99-114.
- Szent-Iványi, B. & Végh, Z. (2018). Is transition experience enough? The donor-side effectiveness of Czech and Polish democracy aid to Georgia. Democratization, (25)4, 614-632.

University of Oxford

Noah Bacine

Noah Bacine is Lab Director at the Centre of Experiments in Socia Sciences at Nuffield College at the University of Oxford.

Giuliano Formisano

Giuliano Formisano is a PhD Candidate in Social Data Science at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, as an ESRC Scholar.

Recent publications:

- Friedrichs, J., Stoehr, N., & Formisano, G. (2022). Fear-anger contests: Governmental and populist politics of emotion. Online Social Networks and Media, 32, 1-13.

John Francis

John Francis is a project administrator at the Department of Politics and International Relations of the University of Oxford.

Spyros Kosmidis

Spyros Kosmidis is an Associate Professor of Politics at the Department of Politics and International Relations of the University of Oxford.

Recent publications:

- Kosmidis, S., & Theocharis, Y. (2020). Can social media incivility induce enthusiasm? Evidence from survey experiments. Public Opinion Quarterly, 84(S1), 284-308.
- Antoniou, G., Dinas, E., & Kosmidis, S. (2020). Collective victimhood and social prejudice: A post‐Holocaust theory of anti‐Semitism. Political Psychology, 41(5), 861-886.
- Kosmidis, S., Hobolt, S. B., Molloy, E., & Whitefield, S. (2019). Party competition and emotive rhetoric. Comparative Political Studies, 52(6), 811-837.

Zofia Stemplowska

Zofia Stemplowska is Professor of Political Theory at the Department for Politics and International Relations of the University of Oxford.

Stephen Whitefield

Stephen Whitefield is Professor of Politics and DPIR Rhodes Pelczynski Tutorial Fellow in Politics at Pembroke College of the University of Oxford.

Recent publications:

- Chaisty, P., & Whitefield, S. (2023). Building voting coalitions in electoral authoritarian regimes: a case study of the 2020 constitutional reform in Russia. Post-soviet affairs, 39(4), 273-290.
- Chaisty, P., & Whitefield, S. (2022). How challenger parties can win big with frozen cleavages: Explaining the landslide victory of the Servant of the People party in the 2019 Ukrainian parliamentary elections. Party Politics, 28(1), 115–126.
- Chaisty, P., Gerry, C. J., & Whitefield, S. (2022). The buck stops elsewhere: authoritarian resilience and the politics of responsibility for COVID-19 in Russia. Post-Soviet Affairs, 38(5), 366-385.
- Chaisty, P. & Whitefild, S. (2022). Putin’s Russia: People Increasingly Identify with the Soviet Union – Here’s What That Means. The Conversation.
- Chaisty, P. & Whitefild, S. (2022). Economic Sanctions Not Likely to Shift Russian Public Opinion Against Putin Immediately - UK in a Changing Europe. UK In a Changing Europe.
- Chaisty, P. & Whitefild, S. (2022). Competing identities of the past and future in Russia and Ukraine. University of Oxford.
- Chaisty, P. & Whitefield, S. (2019). The political implications of popular support for presidential term limits in Russia, Post-Soviet Affairs, (35)4, 323-337.
- Rovny, J., & Whitefield, S. (2019). Issue dimensionality and party competition in turbulent times. Party Politics, 25(1), 4-11.
- Whitefield, S., & Rohrschneider, R. (2019). Embedding integration: How European integration splits mainstream parties. Party Politics, 25(1), 25-35.
- Kosmidis, S., Hobolt, S. B., Molloy, E., & Whitefield, S. (2019). Party competition and emotive rhetoric. Comparative Political Studies, 52(6), 811-837.

University of Vienna

Hajo Boomgaarden

Hajo Boomgaarden is Professor of Methods in the Social Sciences and Dean of the Faculty of Social Science at the University of Vienna.

Sylvia Kritzinger

Sylvia Kritzinger is Professor of Methods in the Social Sciences at the Department of Government of the University of Vienna.

Recent publications:

- Plescia, C., Kritzinger, S., & Singh, S. P. (2023). Who would vote NOTA? Explaining a ‘none of the above’ choice in eight countries. European Journal of Political Research, 62(1), 118-134.
- Partheymüller, J., Kritzinger, S., & Plescia, C. (2022). Misinformedness about the European Union and the Preference to Vote to Leave or Remain. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 60(5), 1449-1469.
- Plescia, C., & Kritzinger, S. (2022). When Marriage Gets Hard: Intra-Coalition Conflict and Electoral Accountability. Comparative political studies, 55(1), 32-59.
- Plescia, C., Kritzinger, S., & Eberl, J. M. (2021). ‘The enemy within’: Campaign attention and motivated reasoning in voter perceptions of intra-party conflict. Party Politics, 27(5), 917-927.
- Aichholzer, J., Kritzinger, S., & Plescia, C. (2021). National identity profiles and support for the European Union. European Union Politics, 22(2), 293-315.

Marvin Stecker

Marvin Stecker is a Predoc Researcher at the Department of Communication of the University of Vienna.

Marta Vukovic

Marta Vukovic is a Doctoral Researcher at the Department of Government of the University of Vienna.